Sabtu, 19 Jun 2010

Angkatan Muda Keadilan Gelang Patah, Johor Darulta'zim

Angkatan Muda Keadilan Gelang Patah, Johor Darulta'zim


Posted: 19 Jun 2010 05:50 PM PDT

Ketua pemuda Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin, mencabar Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mendedahkan bukti dalam tempoh 48 jam berhubung dakwaan bahawa Ahli Parlimen Bebas diberi imbuhan RM2 juta untuk berpaling tadah.
Namun jika pendedahan di buat oleh DS Anwar Ibrahim, apa pula jaminan kerajaan terhadap pendedahan tersebut. Pelbagai pendedahan dibuat, isu V.K Linggam, isu PKFZ dan banyak lagi namun akhirnya pendedahan tersebut dibiarkan sepi tanpa berita.
AMK mencadangkan Hj. Khairi Jamaluddin selaku Ketua Pemuda Umno untuk menyelesaikan isu2 yang pernah dibangkitkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat terlebih dahulu kerana ianya melibatkan kepentingan rakyat dan negara serta penyalahgunaan wang rakyat yang banyak.
Tidak timbul isu DS Anwar Ibrahim pembohong, namun kerajaan Umno/BN wajar menyelidiki dan memberi jawapan kepada rakyat isu2 yang didedahkan masih belum lagi dijawap..
Begitu juga dengan isu sumpah seperti mana yang diwar-warkan oleh bloggers Umno.. Apakah jika DS Anwar bersumpah yang beliau tidak meliwat Saifool maka segala pertuduhan ke atas beliau akan gugur..??? Apa gunanya beliau bersumpah namun pertuduhan masih disabitkan ke atasnya. Justeru, sumpah bukanlah penyelesaian segala-galanya buat ketika ini dan Umno tidak perlu menjaja isu sumpah tersebut kerana juara sumpah yang telah menkhianati sumpahnya kini berada dalam Umno...


Posted: 19 Jun 2010 06:59 AM PDT

Datuk Chua Jui Meng dalam sidang akhbarnya berkaitan isu penarikan darjah kebesaran oleh pihak Istana Johor menyatakan bahawa beliau berlapang dada dan menerima keputusan tersebut dengan hati yang terbuka. Beliau sendiri akan menyerahkan ketiga-tiga pingat kebesaran yang dianugerahkan oleh Almarhum Sultan Iskandar semasa beliau menjawat jawatan Menteri Kesihatan ke istana Johor.Dalam sidang akhbarnya juga beliau menyatakan bahawa jika Umnolah yang menjadi dalang dalam dalam isu penarikan darjah kebesaran tersebut, rakyat pasti bangkit dan Umno akan menerima padahnya. Penarikan darjah kebesaran tersebut sedikit pun tidak mengurangkan atau mengendurkan semangat juang beliau untuk membuat reformasi dalam memartabatkan perjuangan rakyat yang menuntut pengorbanan yang lebih besar sehingga mungkin dipenjarakan.
AMK melihat bahawa penerangan yang diberikan oleh Datuk Chua cukup jelas dan tidak timbul isu penderhakaan sebagaimana digembar-gemburkan oleh bloggers Umno yang menganggap penarikan darjah kebesaran yang diterima oleh Datuk Chua dari Almarhum Sultan Johor kerana Datuk Chua telah melakukan penderhakaan. Sehingga kini pihak Istana Johor masih belum menyatakan sebab musabab penarikan darjah kebesaran tersebut dan Datuk Chua menyifatkan penarikan darjah kebesaran tersebut oleh D.Y.A.M Sultan Johor adalah kerana hak baginda berbuat demikian sebagaimana yang diperjelaskan oleh Setiausaha Mahkamah DiRaja Johor, Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli.
Justeru, AMK Gelang Patah mencabar mana2 pihak terutama bloggers2 Umno untuk menyenaraikan bentuk penderhakaan yang dilakukan oleh Datuk Chua Jui Meng sepertimana dakwaan mereka bahawa penarikan anugerah tersebut adalah kerana penderhakaan dan pengkhianatan (klik sini) yang dilakukan Datuk Chua Jui Meng. Apakah beliau menyertai PKR dianggap mengkhianati rakyat..??? Apa pula gelaran yang wajar dilabelkan kepada pemimpin Umno/BN yang mengkhianati amanah rakyat...???

Bagaimana pula ketika Umno meminda atau mengurangkan kuasa Raja2 Melayu malah pemimpin Umno jugalah mengkritik Raja2 Melayu secara terbuka..??? Apakah ini bukan bentuk pengkhianatan kepada Raja2 Melayu...??

Apakah dengan membenarkan syarikat yahudi laknatullah terlibat dalam pembangunan IT dan telekomunikasi negara merupakan tindakan tepat Perdana Menteri dan bukan pengkhianatan kepada negara...??
Isu Felda Cahaya Baru antara pengkhianatan terbesar pemimpin Umno termasuk Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, namun apakah pembelaan yang dilakukan oleh Umno...??? Bila peneroka berpaling kepada pembangkang, mereka dilabel sebagai pengkhianat. Apa pula yang mahu dilabelkan kepada pemimpin Umno yang "bangsat" ini...???

N37 Batu Maung

N37 Batu Maung

Bulan Al-Quran Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 07:44 AM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Chua: Umno-BN Akan Dilayangkan Kad Merah

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 11:03 PM PDT

Dari Malaysiakini

Kehilangan tiga darjah kebesaran negeri Johor yang ditarik balik oleh Sultan Johor bukannya satu pengorbanan besar dalam perjuangan menuntut perubahaan demi memastikan Malaysia yang adil untuk semua, kata Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi PKR, Datuk Dr Chua Jui Meng.

"Ramai daripada rakan seperjuangan saya telah membuktikan keteguhan menuntut perubahaan sehingga terpaksa merengkok dalam penjara.

"Maknanya kehilangan tiga pingat bukanlah satu pengorbanan besar seperti pepatah yang berbunyi 'tanpa seurat benang aku dilahirkan, tanpa seurat benang jua aku akan kembali," kata Chua pada sidang media di ibu pejabat PKR di Damansara hari ini.

Justeru, katanya dia sebenarnya amat bertuah.

"Saya yakin Umno pastinya kesal dengan tindakan mereka untuk menggangu saya. Sebaik sahaja pengumuman penarikkan tersebut, sokongan rakyat terhadap saya datang mencurah-curah terhadap saya dan Keadilan."

Muflis idea

Sokongan itu menurut Chua membuktikan bahawa rakyat juga menolak politik kebencian yang selama ini menjadi sebahagian daripada kerajaan Umno.

"Mereka (rakyat) juga menzahirkan hasrat untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Umno-BN yang terbukti muflis idea untuk memacu negara ini ke hadapan," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, kata Chua, beliau akan memulang ketiga-tiga pingat yang dikurniakan oleh Almarhum Sultan Iskandar.

Ketiga-tiga pingat tersebut adalah Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Johor (DPMJ), Seri Paduka Mahkota Johor (SPMJ) dan Pingat Sultan Ismail (PIS).

Katanya, surat rasmi mengesahkan bahawa darjah kebesarannya (DPMJ dan SPMJ) itu ditarik balik diterimanya pada 15 Jun lalu dan tiada alasan berhubung penarikan berkenaan diberikan.

Kata Chua, beliau juga akan menghantar kembali pingat ketiga – PIS – ke Istana selepas memaklumkan kepada Setiausaha Jemaah Majlis Di Raja Johor Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli yang menghubunginya pada 10 Jun lalu.

“Saya dengan berlapang dada akan menghantar balik (pingat itu) kepada istana. Ketiga-tiga pingat itu saya akan pulangkan kepada Istana Johor,” katanya.

Chua berkata tindakan berkenaan haanya memperkukuhkan iltizamnya untuk bersama Pakatan Rakyat dan berjuang untuk memastikan negara terus maju dan diselamatkan daripada gejala rasuah yang berleluasa sekarang ini.

"Sepertimana dalam permainan bolasepak, rakyat tahu siapa di antara pemain yang bermain secara jujur atau tidak. Manakala pada tahun 2008, rakyat melayangkan kad kuning, saya pasti pada tahun 2012, rakyat akan melayangkan kad merah kepada Umno-BN," katanya.

“Terima dengan hati yang terbuka”

Ditanya perasaan beliau susulan penarikan pingat tersebut Chua berkata beliau menerima keputusan tersebut dengan hati yang terbuka.

“Saya tidak marah dan saya akan serahkan (kepada Istana). Perjuangan rakyat lebih besar daripada martabat yang saya dapat.

“Saya akan serah pingat itu tapi saya tidak akan menyerah (kalah) untuk membuat reformasi,” katanya sambil menambah tidak perlu tergesa-gesa untuk menyerahkan pingat tersebut.

Turut hadir dalam sidang media tersebut, Naib Presiden PKR Sivarasa Rasiah dan barisan kepimpinan Wanita PKR yang turut memberi sokongan kepada Chua berhubung isu terbabit.

Chua yang juga bekas menteri kesihatan pada awal bulan ini dihubungi setiausaha Istana Johor supaya memulangkah semua darjah kebesaran negeri itu.

Beliau juga adalah bekas ahli parlimen Bakri selama empat penggal merupakan naib presiden MCA sebelum meninggalkan parti itu pada 2008 apabila gagal merebut jawatan presiden. Beliau mengganggotai PKR pada 2009.

Chua bagaimanapun masih mengekalkan gelaran Datuk memandangkan beliau menerima dua lagi darjah kebesaran daripada Pahang dan Selangor, masing-masing pada tahun 2002 dan 2003 yang membawa gelaran tersebut.

Building a Society Through Defeatism: Malay Style

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 10:56 PM PDT


Being a student in Malaysia has been useful to me in many ways. You learn many new things, a new country, a new culture, people, food, etc. A beautiful nation with beautiful people, but probably a nation that has the worst political system. When you look from a far, when you see the dazzling Twin Towers, the sky crappers, the trains, the paved roads, the almost all tarmacked lanes, it is beautiful and satisfying, but beyond that, there is stinking political system, one devoid of decency and human good, a godless politics that thrives in indecency, skulduggery and simply outright demagoguery.
I remember Malaysia's former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi saying in 2006, 'the Malays will do anything to achieve something in politics (or something like that) and that anything includes vomit inducing rhetoric and actions. He was right! He was booted out disgracefully after being stabbed in the back by some of his Cabinet Ministers.

Malaysia's story is not new, its racial politics, stifling bureaucracy, bulging and ever increasing civil service, third world politics, controlled society, partisan bodies and unthinking religious entities are issues one reads about almost on daily basis. Malaysia is not a nation that has bright future. I remember as a kid, circa 1995 reading somewhere a robust statement made by Prof. Ali Mazrui, recognized as the one of the 100 most influential intellectuals today where he praised the nation and predicted a bright future. Prof. Mazrui was in particular intrigued by the then Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. One decade later, you won't hear the Kenyan-American professor talking of Malaysia.

That was when the economy was strong, institutional rot hidden from the public, social discontent minimal, political demagoguery not widely practiced, and Malaysia was surging. Dr. Mahathir and his then Deputy, Anwar Ibrahim were extremely popular in the Muslim (and non Muslim to a large extent) world. They were where the Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan is today. Unchallenged and probably unparalleled when measured against fellow Muslim leaders.

Then came 1998, where Dr Mahathir and Anwar clashed over the 1997/8 Asian Financial Crisis and some internal succession politics. Anwar was sacked, brutally beaten and jailed on fabricated charges of sodomy. Dr. Mahathir, realizing Anwar's appeal both locally and abroad went overdrive to neutralize him. He did it (at least until he left power in 2003) but at the expense of Malaysia. Malaysia has never recovered from that humiliating experience since then and it will never. Make no mistake about it; neither Dr. Mahathir nor Malaysia will recover from that ugly episode.

Anwar today is facing sodomy charges again. The new allegation would even beat the first one in stupidity. At least, in the first one, Malaysians were innocent enough to be shocked. Now, they aren't. In fact, they have become accustomed to the brutality of the system that they smile, resigned to that fate. Only Chinua Achebe can describe their resignation and hopelessness like he did in his A Man of the People. Foreign students in Malaysia joke about this immoral politics. 'Why doesn't Malaysia introduce Bachelor in Sodomology' they joke. Then they can shout to the world that they can (boleh) as they say in Malaysia.

This is a nation that's losing its soul, its spiritual side, its human side. It is becoming concrete, merciless, immoral, godless and utterly ruthless. All the signs that the edifice is to come tumbling down are there, but the elite are interested in one thing: assassinating Anwar and they refuse to see the imminent danger.

But that's not the subject here; it is the defeatism culture of the Malay leadership. Being a Somali ethnic myself, I'm in no position to blame others or point out their shortcomings, after all, my people have nothing to be proud of. May be Islam only, and even that Islam, they have rendered it cruel and tribal.

In Malaysia, there are three main races, the Malays who are the majority, the Chinese and the Indians, then there is motley of other races and tribes but politics revolves around the three main ones. Malaysia's greatest challenge has been how to balance the economic disparity between the native Malays and the migrant communities who have made big (at least many of them) in Malaysia. The racial riots of 1969 define Malaysia till today.

After that deadly rioting, a new economic policy (NEP) was formulated. The target was to alleviate Malay poverty (plus the poverty of others), rearrange the economic imbalance, support Malays to get a foothold and make them have at least 30% equity. Four decades later, it stands at 19%. In those four decades, entire countries were built from scratch, of course others failed, but in Malaysia, they couldn’t manage one policy in four decades and worse, many continue to insist that the failed policy should be maintained. Like a drug addict who holds on to his fatal drugs, some Malays have become addicts. It is killing them, killing their souls, killing their humanity, killing their spirit, killing their will, killing their dignity, killing their Islam and killing their country.

The trouble is the Malay leadership. Having seen their people have become addicts, they lack the charisma to tell them that the nation must cross a new frontier and meet today's challenges with new policies that are effective, economically sound and free of corruption. You can't stick to a policy that failed. Four decades is what a nation needs to rise, not for a single policy to be implemented.

Of course there is Anwar Ibrahim, always the rabble rouser who called the policy obsolete and formulated a new policy. But rather than debating on the merits of his new policy, the ruling party, UMNO, and its apparatchiks dismissed Anwar as a traitor, IMF funded rogue who wants to destroy the Malays. To me, Anwar is a great leader and UMNO leaders are leaders. The difference between the two is that a great leader takes his people where they don't want but aught to be and a leader takes his people where they want. And when you listen to what your people like PERKASA’s Ibrahim Ali and other Manglish speaking, Utusan consuming hordes want, you fail in your leadership role and that's what's happening in Malaysia.

In the four to five years that I have been in Malaysia, I have never heard a single Malay leader apart from Anwar Ibrahim and former Finance Minister and UMNO's only conscientious member (apart from a blogger called Sakmongkol) Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah say the Malays CAN! I always hear, "The Malays are weak, the Malays can't compete, the Malays don't have the Chinese civilization, the Malays are not tough enough to survive on their own, the Malays need help, the Malays are under threat" and etc.

Dr. Mahathir, the former PM and a notoriously racial leader continues to stoke the embers of racism and warned the Malays that that they were losing Malaysia to the non-Malays. He knows they aren’t losing, but his target is to scare villagers into supporting the ruling party and thus prevent his arch-rivals, Anwar and PAS leaders from coming into power. I have no problem with politics, but destructive politics that destroys the very fabric of your nation and mismanages the destiny of that nation is both immoral and evil.

When I hear UMNO Malay leaders humiliate their own people by saying they are weak, can't compete and need perpetual crutches, I always ask myself: what's their intention? When you publicly and before the world camera repeat and repeat that your people are a bunch of hapless people, what do you want the world to do? To issue a Guinness World Records’ certificate of collective stupidity to your people?

Why not praise your people instead? Why not say my people can? Why not raise up their spirit? Why not show them the opportunities the world has rather than cocooning them here alone? Why not remind them Islam and Allah's order to Muslims to seek His bounties on earth and toil? A believer doesn’t fail and worse, a believer doesn’t engage in defeatism. "Ta-Ha. We have not revealed the Quran to you that you may be unsuccessful." (20-1-2. Holy Quran, Shakir)

There was a Tab'ie (follower of the Prophet's Companions) who one day came a long two men fighting. One was being humiliated. So he wanted to raise the spirits of the defeated guy. He reminded him of his faith, of his people's past glories, of his ability, of grandfathers, of his own, and instantly the man was charged. I can't recollect the entire story but I remember the Tabi'e also said had the other man being the one humiliated, he would have reminded him of many good things and helped him rise.

The moral of the story? Always remind your people of what's good! Of their past glories to draw lessons, always point to their future. Remind them about their name and dignity. Tell them of the teachings of their faith. Islam is basically about creating success stories, not a whining society that's hopeless. You are in a fight, a perpetual fight and this fight can't be won through simplistic ideas. It needs resilience, patience, innovation, faith, sobriety, thinking, good leadership, honest administrators and just leaders (institutions).

This battle needs sacrifice. This battle needs toil and tears. Allah (sw) didn’t see it fit to send even His Prophets free food. There is nothing called free here. All our Prophets worked hard and were herdsmen. Why do you think they had to occupy the lowest of jobs to survive? It’s meant to remind us work is what's important and earning halal income is our destiny. Rent-seeking, corruption, sleaze, cronyism and opportunism destroy a nation.

Mukhtar al Bukhary is not a success story. Which part of meeting a minister in his private sitting room and cutting deals is a success? Can he stand tall and be proud? The world would laugh at him, but UMNO says that's the success of NEP. Poorah! A successful story inspires generations or even nations. Bill Gates inspired nations. He invented something, promoted it and benefited billions. He continues to inspire billions. Can Bukhary do the same? He can't. When you give Naza 18,000 APs and they make some easy money, it that a success story that can inspire the future Malays? Which part of it is a success?

But we can have a successful Malay community by sticking to the book, rule of law, Godliness, and meritocracy. You deserve: you get, you don't deserve: you won't get it. Period! We need to have some policy to help the Malays, but we need results as well. I want to remind the Malays one thing, if you are unjust, you will lose this nation. That's how God's creation order works. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "God upholds the just state even if it is unbelieving, but does not uphold the unjust state even if it is Muslim."

In other words, God would help and sustain a non-Muslim person/state that's just than a Muslim person/state that is not. This is simple because the Prophets were sent to bring justice and God's creation order stands on justice. If you want to have NEP, include the Chinese and Indian orphans and widows and the needy among all races. That way, you will continue to rule and prosper. But if you think voting PERKASA and UMNO will make you safe and sustainable, then you are mistaken. You will drown sooner than you can imagine. It is justice that would maintain you and settle for good leadership.

There can no be 100% successful policy or state, but being righteous and godly, being fair and just, being honest and incorruptible helps. And please, for once, defeat PERKASA and PERKASA minded parties. If you don’t look inward, if you don’t ask critical questions and examine yourselves, if you believe the hyperbole of PERKASA and its financiers, there will come a time when it is too late to salvage this nation and regret comes later. May Allah (sw) bless u all and guide us! Amin!

"And those who strive in Our (cause),- We will certainly guide them to our Paths: For verily Allah is with those who do right. Holy Quran 29: 69)

Update: An anonymous commentator pointed out to a forum (forum.cari) where some Malays are attacking me. Read their bunkum here. Some are even calling me a nigger. kkkkk! I can assure you that I’m whiter than “Malay” Zambry Abdul Kadir. But even if I were a nigger, that’s not a problem. I appreciate God’s creation. I being black or white is of no consequence. My humanity is what matters.

Please dear Malay brethren, debate the merits of this post and if you believe I may be wrong in some cases, point out and advise by commenting on it. Engaging in an orgy of tribal bashing devoid of any intellectual input justifies what I have wrote here. I love you and only God knows how Much. My criticism is genuine and from a Muslim brother who feels your pain but believes things have to change because the world is not waiting for you. Wassalam!



Program Pendemokrasian rakyat diteruskan.... 26 Jun 2010 Sabtu Jam 9 pg. (Dewan Dato Abd Hamid, Batang Kali)

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 06:29 AM PDT


Posted: 19 Jun 2010 06:06 AM PDT

PETALING JAYA: Istana Johor meminta Chua Jui Meng menyerah kembali ketiga-tiga pingat yang dianugerah kepada beliau oleh Sultan Johor walaupun pada asalnya hanya menarik balik dua pingat.
Minggu lalu, Chua dilucutkan gelaran 'datuk' dan 'datuk seri' dan diarahkan mengembalikan dua pingat kepada Istana. Tidak ada sebab diberikan ekoran menarik balik pingat tersebut walaupun spekulasi bertiup kencang adanya tangan Umno Johor dalam keputusan Istana tersebut. Umno Johor bagaimanapun menafikan tuduhan ini.
Pada sidang media di sini hari ini, Chua berkata, beliau telah memaklumkan kepada Setiausaha Mahkamah Diraja Johor, Abdul Rahim Ramli, bahawa beliau mempunyai pingat ketiga – Pingat Ismail Sultan (PIS).
"Saya bertanya beliau sama ada pihak Istana mahu pingat itu juga dan beliau dengan pantas menjawab ya," kata Chua.
Oleh itu, saya akan membuat persiapan untuk memulangkan pingat-pingat itu kepada Istana secepat mungkin. Dan saya mengembalikannya dengan dada terbuka.
Ditanya bilakah beliau akan memulangkannya, Chua berkata, tidak ada keperluan untuk segera berbuat demikian.
"Saya telah memberitahu Rahim bahawa apa yang perlu beliau lakukan ialah dengan menarik balik gazet ke atas dua pingat itu dan pingat-pingat itu akan bertukar menjadi timah sahaja kerana ia tidak lagi mempunyai nilai dan penghormatan ke atasnya.
"Tetapi saya akan pulangkannya jua…. jangan bimbang," ujar beliau.
Bagaimanapun, Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sivarasa Rasiah, yang turut hadir, menyoal bidang kuasa Rahim menuntut dikembalikan pingat yang ketiga itu.
"Saya terperanjat kerana beliau (Rahim) boleh segera membuat keputusan tanpa merujuk kepada Istana," katanya. "Jadi siapa yang menggunakan kuasa di sini? Siapa dibelakang keputusan pihak Istana?
Chua, bekas menteri kesihatan menyertai PKR Julai lalu, kekal gelaran 'datuk' kerana beliau telah dianugerah gelaran 'datuk' oleh Pahang dan Selangor.
Saya tidak akan mengalah
Chua mengakui beliau sudah tahu sebaik sahaja beliau menyertai Pakatan Rakyat, beliau akan melalui ranjau-ranjau kehidupan dan memuji langkah rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang telah melalui keperitan hidup sejak 11 tahun yang lalu dalam usaha membawa perubahan di Malaysia.
"Saya telah bersiap sedia untuk perjuangan ini tapi saya tidak menjangka saya akan dihukum sebegini pantas atas keputusan yang saya buat," katanya.
"Tetapi kehilangan pingat-pingat ini tidak membawa apa-apa erti berbanding dengan pengorbanan yang ditunjukkan oleh golongan reformasi seperti Tian Chua, Sivarasa Rasiah dan Ketua Umum PKR Anwar Ibrahim.
Chua juga terpesona dengan sokongan orang ramai yang datang mencurah-curah berikutan perlucutan gelaran dan berkata, "sesuatu yang saya tidak jangka langsung".
Beliau berkata, tahap sokongan yang diterima menunjukkan rakyat telah muak dengan politik murahan dan politik dendam dengan kerajaan yang muflis idea untuk membawa Malaysia maju ke hadapan.
"Umno telah membuat perkiraan yang salah dalam usaha untuk menggertak saya," jelas beliau. Mereka mungkin menjangka saya akan memperlahankan kempen reformasi dan malahan peristiwa ini memberi kekuatan kepada saya untuk meneruskan perjuangan.
"Saya berdiri di pihak yang benar dan saya tidak akan berundur," ujar beliau.
Chua kemudian menggunakan analogi bolasepak untuk menerangkan keyakinannya bahawa rakyat secara jelas bersedia untuk melakukan perubahan.
"Dalam bolasepak, para penonton tahu apabila seseorang pemain itu membetis lawan dan bukannya bola. Dalam tahun 2008, rakyat melayangkan kad kuning kepada Barisan Nasional. Saya yakin pada tahun 2012, mereka akan melayangkan kad merah kepada Umno. - FMT

Milan Jovanovic selepas menjaringkan gol menentang Jerman, Serbia 1 Jerman 0

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 03:42 PM PDT

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Agen CIA dan Mossad di dalam Kumpulan Islam

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 07:58 AM PDT

Dari laman web Islam Online

Agensi Perisikan Pusat Amerika Syarikat (CIA) dan perisikan Israel – Mossad – mempunyai ahli menyamar dalam kumpulan Islam seperti Hamas di Palestin, Hizbullah di Lubnan dan Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) di Indonesia, menurut pakar perisikan Indonesia.

"Ianya jelas CIA dan Mossad mempunyai agen dalam kumpulan ini dan tindakan mereka adalah lebih dari dijangkakan," menurut Sayed Abdullah, yang mengendalikan firma perisikan di kepulauan Maluku di Indonesia.

Beliau mendakwa "agen ini berupaya melakukan kerosakan terhadap kumpulan Islam dengan kejadian bunuh dua orang pemimpin Hamas dalam masa sebulan".

Abdelaziz Rantissi, pemimpin Hamas di Gaza telah dibunuh pada 17 April dalam satu serangan udara.

Kurang dari tempoh sebulah pemimpin Hamas Sheikh Ahmed Yassin dibunuh dengan tiga peluru berpandu yang ditembak dari helicopter.

"Adalah jelas CIA dan Mossad, dengan dibantu Polis Khas Australia (SAP) dan agensi perisikan England MI5, bekerjasama untuk melumpuhkan kumpulan Islam dalam usaha melemahkan umat Islam seluruh dunia," dakwa Sayed.

Menurut Sayed pembunuhan Rantissi telah dirancang untuk melemahkan gerakan penentangan rakyat Palestin.

Israel tidak akan melakukan tindakan demikian jika mereka tidak pasti apa akibat susulan.

Beberapa pemimpin Hamas telah beberapa kali mendakwa bahawa pihak Israel telah berjaya meletakkan agen menyamar dalam Hamas.

Talam dua muka Israel ini adalah merupakan barah terhadap Hamas.

"Inilah cara agensi perisikan bekerja seluruh dunia. Agen perisikan mereka sentiasa bekerja siang malam untuk melumpuhkan kumpulan Islam seluruh dunia", kata Sayed.

Menurut Sayed Abdullah lagi kejadian rusuhan antara agama yang berlaku di Maluku yang menyebabkan kematian ribuan orang adalah jelas didalangi oleh pihak berkuasa barat dalam kempen membunuh umat Islam di sana.

"Matlamat mereka di Maluku ialah untuk menyekat Kepulauan Rempah ini dari Indonesia dan membentuk negara bukan Islam di tengah-tengah negara Islam terbesar di dunia".

Sayed berkata pengeboman Bali pada 2001 adalah merupakan satu operasi yang secara jelas dibiayai oleh CIA dan Mossad dengan memperdayakan orang Islam untuk melakukannya.
CIA telah menggunakan agen bernama Omar Al-Faruq seorang Arab yang tinggal di Amerika Syarikat dan tahun sedikit mengenai Islam telah dihantar ke Indonesia untuk masuk ke dalam kumpulan Islam yang mereka label sebagai kumpulan pengganas.

Sayed mendakwa Australia, Amerika Syarikat dan Taiwan tahu Bali akan dibom tetapi mereka tidak berbuat apa-apa.

Al-Faruq telah ditahan pada 2002 oleh polis Indonesia dan dihantar ke Washington atas permintaan CIA.

Al-Faruq kononnya disoal siasat tetapi tidak pernah dihantar ke kem tahanan Guantanamo, Cuba .

Dari laman web Islam Online


Flashback: CIA, Mossad Infiltrated Muslim Organizations: Expert

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Israeli intelligence - Mossad - have infiltrated Muslim organizations like Hamas in Palestine, Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) in Indonesia, says an Indonesian intelligence expert.

"It is clear that the CIA and the Mossad have infiltrated such organizations and have done much more than that," Sayed Abdullah, who operates an intelligence services firm in the Indonesian island of Maluku's, told

He asserted that the spy agencies "demonstrated their capacity to control these organizations with the murdering of two Hamas leaders in a month and that is enough to understand what they are up to."

Abdelaziz Rantissi, Hamas new leader in the Gaza Strip, was assassinated late Saturday, April 17, in an Israeli air strike.

This came less than a month after an Israeli strike helicopter fired three missiles at 67-year-old wheelchair-bound Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin after performing the dawn prayers in a mosque near his home, killing him and at least eight others.

"It is obvious the CIA and the Mossad, assisted by the Australian Special Action Police (SAP) and the M15 of England, are all working towards undermining Muslim organizations in an attempt to weaken the Muslims globally," he charged.

Sayed said that the assassination of Rantissi was planned and done with the intent to hurt the Palestinian resistance movement and the Palestinians.

He asserted that the Israelis would not have carried out such an act if they were not certain of the aftermath of this attack.

"They know, for a certain reason, that they have control of the Hamas now and they are now forcing the organization underground which will eventually make it difficult for the Hamas to press on with Intifada.

"The Hamas leaders must come to accept the fact that however sophisticated the weaponry, the enemy needs moles, spies from within the organization to undermine it and they can also rest assured that the enemy knows who the Hamas leader in Gaza is at this moment," he said.

Several Hamas leaders have vehemently repudiated claims that the resistance movement has been successfully penetrated by the Israeli enemy.

They admitted, however, that Israeli moles remain a cancer eating away at the Palestinian body.

"It is difficult to believe but this is how it works for the enemies of the Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere. Their intelligence is working day and night to break down any resistance groups around the world, including those in Palestine and indeed in other Muslim countries too," opined the Indonesian expert.

Same Old Story

Sayed Abdullah said that in the Maluku's, where hundreds if not thousands were killed, it was clear and obvious that western powers were behind the rioting and murder campaigns against Muslims.

"The aim in the Maluku's was to cut the Spice Islands away from Indonesia and create a non-Muslim nation right in the middle of the largest Muslim country on earth. This failed because the Mujahideen were right there to stop them."

He added that it was the Mujahideen who blew up a vessel carrying 350 Dutch, Australian and American mercenaries who wanted to disembark on the Maluku's at the very start of the conflict between Muslims and Christians there.

The expert argued that the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) has been infiltrated.

"The TNI was ineffective at the start of the conflict and later on turned against the Muslims who were in fact defending themselves against hordes of Christian warmongers attacking villages, burning down mosques and killing the males while they were raping and kidnapping the Muslim women," he said.

"This is how they infiltrated the alleged Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) in Indonesia," Sayed Abdullah said.

He argued that the Bali bombing in 2002 was "an operation clearly financed and assisted by the CIA and Mossad, made use of Muslims to carry out the final act.

"Those Muslims were not innocent since they took the bait handed over by the CIA and the Mossad to bomb Bali and to avenge against the U.S. war on the Muslims in Afghanistan."

The Indonesian expert argued said that "to achieve this, the CIA used one of its operatives, Omar Al-Faruq, an Arab living in the U.S. who speaks Arabic and knows a little about Islam and who was sent to Indonesia to infiltrate the so called terrorist groups.

He said that Al-Faruq initially infiltrated the Laskar Jihad, a group of Muslim volunteers fighting for the safeguard of the Maluku's during the conflict of the Island.

When the Laskar was winded down by its leader, Al-Faruq was sent to join the Mujahideen Council of Indonesia (MMI), created and headed by jailed Indonesian Islamic leader Abu Bakar Basyir, added Sayed Abdullah.

"After he failed to be a member of the MMI and failed to get to Basyir, he decided to work on the followers of Basyir. It is then that he came into contact with some of the Bali bombers and this is how the whole Bali operation was conducted," according to the Indonesian intelligence expert.

He claimed that Australia, the U.S. and even Taiwan knew that Bali was to be bombed but they did nothing about it.

Al-Faruq was arrested in 2002 by Indonesian police and sent to Washington upon request by the CIA.

He was said to be undergoing interrogation but was never sent to Guantanamo, Cuba where the U.S. keeps most of its terror suspects.

"This also goes for the murder of the two Hamas leaders. The U.S. and surely Britain knew of the attacks and even helped in it. Hence these nations with their intelligence are doing what they feel is best for their own interests," Sayed Abdullah added.

By Kazi Mahmood, IOL Southeast Asia correspondent




Posted: 18 Jun 2010 03:39 PM PDT


Posted: 18 Jun 2010 03:33 PM PDT